ScaleUp Blog

Author: ScaleUp

Heather Hummel

How to Create a Great About Section for Your LinkedIn Profile

In this article, we will look at how you can write your about section, provide examples of profiles you can learn from and give you a few starting steps for how you can get started. In the end, you should have everything you need to create an about section that gets people interested in speaking with you.

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Better Proposal

How to Create a Winning Proposal in 15 Minutes

In this article, we will look at how you can create a winning proposal in 15 minutes using the proposal software Better Proposals as an example. We will look at the four critical page templates your proposal should have that will help you be more successful. The pages are current situation, solution, expected results and next steps.

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Bill Gates Banner

How to Find and Reach Out to People on LinkedIn

LinkedIn can be a great place to find and reach out to people. If you are looking to make strategic partnerships or reach out to potential customers, LinkedIn can be a great place to find decision-makers.

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How to Plan and Execute Your Sales Meetings

So you got the lead and the person is interested in speaking with you. Now what?

Ask a professional how they do their meetings, and you will be able to determine how professional they really are. The greatest sales reps hold themselves accountable to numbers, are diligently interested in perfecting their craft and are organised.  

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Laurel Kashinn

How to Write Your Experience Section on LinkedIn

Therefore, in this article, we will look at how to add an experience listing on LinkedIn and how to plan and lay out your entire professional background. In the end, there will be a few action items to help you get started.

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3 steps to get in contact with key decisionmakers
Strategies used in over $250,000+ deals

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